The wait was so long to get upstairs to see the football players.
Luckily, a girl that was working the event noticed we had a stroller and let us go up the elevator and we bypassed everyone standing in line. If she hadn't been so nice, we would've waited 2 hours and not seen anyone!
Harrison wasn't too sure about the players. He would hand them the football to sign, but that was about it. He did get his picture with 2 of them.
Then Harrison just couldn't hold on anymore. Notice how his hand is still hanging on to his helmet.
Fan or have to admit that Auburn is a very pretty place and very peaceful! Until gameday that is...
Roll Tide! It's not too long until the madness begins!
Hey girl! I got the cupcakes from a lady in Calera . Her website is She did a really good job! I got the cupcake stand at Party City for $6.99!!! Hope you have a great day !!!